Tag Archives: Passion

Passionate Leaders…

What are we passionate about? Do we find ourselves involved in activities for hours without any thought to the time? What drives our lives?

Howard Thurman said, “Don’t worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Spiritual matters must breathe passion into our lives. When seeking God’s kingdom is a priority, when reaching others with Jesus is the purpose of each breath, when worshiping God is at the heart of our activity, and when a love for truth drives us deeper into His word, we have the building blocks for passionate leadership.

Leading a Movement…

A movement exists when individual experience, or passion, takes on a life of its own within a diverse array of individuals, and grouping in such a way that it sustains and reproduces itself toward a common end.

The following characteristics are critical to a movement’s success.

First, movements come together to achieve a common goal.
Second, personal, structural and ideological ties hold them together
Third, committed members use existing and significant social relationships to recruit others.
Fourth, an identity-transforming experience brings about a lifestyle change.
Fifth, overall unity in such a diverse collection requires a common ideology.
Sixth, opposition is part of the glue that holds this diverse collection together.

Knowing God…

Biblical leadership involves qualities, traits, virtues, and principles that guide character formation. As such, a biblical leader is one who desires to know God.

Scripture is filled with passages that emphasize the need to know God. Jesus said eternal life is aligned with knowing God and the One who was sent by Him.

Paul counted everything as loss for the “surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:8). His heritage, material possessions, academic achievement, and religious position were worthless when laid alongside this knowledge.

Biblical leaders are driven by a passion to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord.

The Power of Passion…

What is it that drives our lives, especially as leaders?

Steve Jobs once said, “It [what you choose to do] has got to be something that you’re passionate about because otherwise you won’t have the perseverance to see it through.”

While we associate passion with excitement or enthusiasm, there is much more involved.

Passion is from a Latin word associated with suffering or sacrifice.

When leaders are passionate, it is seen by what they are willing to suffer, sacrifice, or give up in order to achieve the goal. 

When passion is present, leaders persevere to see it through.

Strength of Leadership…

Is this urgent or essential? What should you stop doing? 

In Forbes magazine, Mike Maddock asks another question, “What makes you feel strongest?”

Great leaders focus on their strengths. Numerous sources claim that leaders should focus 80% of their time on their strengths and 20% on weaknesses.

While this may sound opposite to what we consider, great leaders prove the theory.

Focusing on the areas of passion and strength makes a good leader great, and makes a great leader outstanding.

Leaders must take time to ask the right questions and make sure they provide answers that help them reach their greatest potential.