Monthly Archives: July 2019

Time-Oriented Challenges…

A time-oriented culture can be tough. Everything has a place and time. Everything begins and ends around the schedule.

A time-oriented leadership also faces many challenges.

In our culture, there is the desire for what is convenient. If the amount of time needed is inconvenient, then it is unlikely people will get involved.

Leaders must work within the perimeters of the time required to carry out the work. Therefore, it is crucial to know the specifics of the needed time for each phase of the work. 

If answers are provided by leaders, then the time-oriented nature of culture can be used to reach the goal.

A Leader’s Temperament…

Temperament involves a person’s nature as it permanently affects their behavior. What kind of nature is permanently affecting our behavior? 

There is an obvious connection to the emotional drive in our lives. This emotional drive could be related to anger or patience, an attitude of discontent or one of contentment, etc.

With both Christian and nonChristian watching every move, it seems significant to consider why we must work to develop the kind of temperament that ensures a behavior of excellence. 

Jesus identified His disciples as the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We use our words and actions to provide an example of temperament controlled by God.

What Do Leaders Seek?

The Gospels reveal the idea of seeking on several occasions.

In Matthew, Jesus emphasized the need to seek first the kingdom of God.

In Mark, religious leaders sought for a sign from Jesus, but their motives were impure.

In Luke, we find areas that involve what we seek, either materially or spiritually.

John also indicates that Jesus was motivated to seek.

Jesus clearly sought to do the will of the Father, to glorify Him. As spiritual leaders, what will we seek to do or accomplish with our leadership?

We have been entrusted with a great responsibility and opportunity. What we seek makes all the difference in the lives we touch.

Others-Centered Leadership…

The world is self-centered and people often look out only for themselves.

Rare is the individual whose legacy is built upon doing things for others. Kalu Kalu wrote, “The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.”

Spiritual leaders stand out for this quality. Why?

Jesus taught and set this example. The final lesson before His death was the lesson of servanthood.

The apostles taught it to the early church. Unity and harmony are built on service.

When we follow, we leave a legacy that leads to a home with God.

Why Leaders Learn…

We can learn from the mistakes and successes of others. We can learn from people with academic credentials and those who only have experience.

Learning is not the issue. We learn something everyday from someone. We cannot help it or resist it. Everything connected to our senses creates a learning situation.

However, what we learn is what makes the difference.

From a spiritual perspective, are we learning more about God and each other as Christians? 

Learning what matters spiritually provides a foundation for lasting leadership. When we consider the importance of learning, remember it is what we learn that is most important.