Monthly Archives: February 2011

Unique Leadership…Patience

Children can be challenging. Raising them properly requires patience. It can often be hard to understand young children trying to communicate.

Our grandchildren talk, but I generally need an interpreter, because I have no idea what they are saying. At times, I just nod or say, “is that right?” But I would not trade a minute for every word. At times I wonder if they understand all I try to say to them.

I know their parents are leading them in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. I want my life to be an example as well. In order to do so, it will take patience. It could be these precious children need to be patient with their parents and grandparents. But we all know it is parents and grandparents who must be patient.

Leading is not easy, especially in areas of communication. We must be patient. Spiritual leadership requires patience.

We should know misunderstandings exist.
We should look to ourselves first when there is a problem.
We should remember most issues are resolved with better communication.
And we must realize it takes time. Be patient.


Power is often associated with leadership. The problem arises when leadership abuses power, or bases their power on an inward self-centeredness.

One of the key words in the New Testament is the word power. Paul’s use of this word is primarily focused on the gospel and Christ. Romans, Ephesians, and Paul’s first letter to the church at Corinth all place an emphasis on this word.

It should be noted, this word is not always translated as “power.” In 1 Corinthians 3:11, Paul literally writes “no man has the power to lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus the Christ.” Another passage worth reading is Ephesians 3:20, “now to Him who has the power to make it happen…according to the power that works within us.”

Spiritual leadership must be built on the power of God.

When our leadership turns inward and self-centered, it will fail.

Leadership is about power, but the power comes from our God through His gracious gift, Jesus.

He is the power to save. He is the power to make it happen. He is the power to lead.

Prayer Of A Righteous Leader…

Prayer can be a subject often taken for granted. The application to how we draw closer to God, grow spiritually, or endure trials is often just to pray more.

I am not trying to downplay the importance or use of prayer. In fact, I believe it is one of the most powerful, unused, tools in the Christian arsenal.

We have listened to and probably led numerous prayers.

What is prayer? How should we pray? Why do we pray? Does prayer really influence God?

The book of James emphasizes prayer. Seven times in the last eight verses of the book, James uses prayer.

Several controversial issues could be discussed from this section. However, this is not our purpose.

Three keys to spiritual leadership rise to the top.

1) Elders are identified as righteous men who are to pray.
2) The working prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.
3) Turning sinners from their error will save them.

Leading people to salvation must be at the heart of a righteous leaders’ prayer.

Hit Me With Your Best Shot…

…is an often used phrase and the title of a hit song from the late 70’s. The song expresses confidence to defeat whoever or whatever is faced.

I am not suggesting we ask God to allow Satan to throw his best shot. I remember Job. God knew Job’s limitations and, short of death, allowed Satan his best shot. Job lost his possessions, children, and health.

My interest here is the confidence to endure whatever Satan brings. Spiritual leaders are going to face challenges. Rest assured, Satan will throw everything God allows in an attempt to stop our work.

How can we develop the confidence to withstand Satan? The answer is based in Ephesians 6:10-18. We need the Lord’s strength and His armor. Herein lies the power to defeat Satan’s best shot.

Every piece of armor is vital for equipping spiritual leaders with confidence.

God knows our limitations.
We must not leave off any piece of armor.
We cannot fight unprotected.
We must prepare before, not during, battle.
The war will be fierce.

We must hit Satan with our best shot. The Lord will be victorious. We will win!

Where The Rubber Meets The Road

…is a familiar idiom. It is the moment of truth, not talk, but action.

In athletics, it is being a clutch player. I played basketball in High School. I used to shoot free throws for hours. At times I would make 90-95%. In practice I was at the top of my game. However, stepping up to the line during the game is where the rubber met the road.

When it counts is where athletes learn how good they are…or not.

I read and discuss leadership in several venues. I love the subject. I especially enjoy discussing it with men I admire as leaders.

However, there is a difference in learning and doing.

When tough decisions must be made, the rubber meets the road.
How mistakes are handled is where the rubber meets the road.
Our response when receiving criticism is where the rubber meets the road.

Here is where true leadership is discovered. Let us stand strong when our leadership is tested.

There are those who see what needs to happen, those who make it happen, and those who make it happen when it counts.

Be a clutch leader.