Tag Archives: Spiritual

The Right Leader…

Solomon was certainly right when he said, “The writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the body” (Ec. 12:12).

God’s word reveals information sufficient for what is right and the right leader to follow.

No greater leadership qualities are identified than those in God’s word.

No greater example can be found than the example left by Jesus.

The best way to honor and glorify God is by leading with our eyes focused on Jesus and our hearts devoted to following His word.

When followers have this example in spiritual leaders, they will follow the right leader.

Modeling Leadership…

Few words are more familiar than Ruth’s expression of faithfulness to her mother-in-law, Naomi, “Where you go, I will go. Your people will be my people, and your God, my God.”

The spiritual influence developed within the home is powerful. Sadly, many homes have forsaken the opportunity to influence their children with a godly foundation.

Home is where parents have an opportunity to provide refuge and focus on the presence of God, where they model the example of Christ, and where children learn the meaning of submission.

Where we go, our children will go. Children should be led to conclude, “…and your God, my God.”


Spiritual leaders understand the need to rely upon God. They are reliant upon His guidance, direction, strength, and provisions.

Spiritual leaders are also aware of the fact that followers are also reliant upon them for the same.

Guidance provides advice and instruction in how to live.
Direction shows the way, primarily the way to heaven.
Strength is needed to keep moving toward the right goal.
Provisions are given to continue, even when all else fails.

These four areas are all directly related to our reliance upon God and leading His people. May our role never be taken lightly.

Spiritual Companionship…

“No matter what stage of development, we need spiritual companions – mentors and guides, friends and peers along the journey” (Reese and Loane, Deep Mentoring).

The need for spiritual companionship should be obvious. In Matthew’s gospel, we find a significant word, behold. Matthew wants the reader to pay attention and observe. One observation is in the name Immanuel, God with us, the power of His presence. The true nature of spiritual companionship involves being present.

If God left the glory of heaven to be with us––to be present––then we should recognize that spiritual companionship necessitates our being present and involved in the journey with others.

Mentoring Leaders…

Information about mentoring is unlimited. Several approaches to mentoring indicate a number of options available for consideration.

Mentoring involves an experienced and trusted advisor who trains and counsels someone else. The mentoring relationship may extend any where from a few days to a few years depending on the nature and purpose of the relationship.

As a spiritual influence in the lives of others, we want to mentor others to maturity in their faith.

A great place to start is to pray about someone who can be a mentor and pray for someone you can mentor. Then watch God do the rest.