Monthly Archives: September 2010


I remember the first time I heard a someone say, “I’ll be your Huckleberry.” I knew that no matter what happened, he would, as we say, “have my back.” He would defend me and help me, no matter what happened.

God’s word teaches us how Jesus is our Advocate, Mediator, Intercessor, and several additional terms. These terms identify Jesus as someone who is there to defend us. There are going to be times when life happens and we struggle with various trials. Temptation works to destroy our faith and foundation.

However, Jesus is there to stand beside us and provide aid.

As leaders, we have a responsibility to the people who are following. They need to know they have a leader who is going to be there to defend them, to stand beside them no matter the trial.

Be their Huckleberry. When we do we are building relationships as greater leaders.

How’s My Driving?

Perhaps you have seen the bumper stickers with a phone number next to the question.

I wonder, does anyone ever really call the number?

Do we take the time to observe a person’s driving and call to report to their superiors?

Generally, if someone calls, it is only to report inappropriate driving skills. Rarely would someone take the time to call and commend the driving of someone else.

It begs the question, “How’s my leadership?”

Do we take time to observe our leadership and take note of our abilities, activities, and accomplishments? Are we critical or commending?

As imperative the need for leadership, we must observe how we are leading. If our leading is inappropriate, then we need to make changes. If it is commendable, then strive to excel still more.

The Cost…

In the experiences of an unpredictable economy, concerns arise surrounding the cost of consumer products. We want to know if we can afford what it will cost.

At times the cost might be incidental, or it may be intentional.

Spiritually, Jesus taught of the need to count the cost prior to becoming His disciple.

Following Christ demands a level of total commitment. Jesus counted the cost of our salvation and paid for it with His life. What a tremendous example of leadership. Following Him could require nothing less than the same.

What about those who are following our leadership? Are they willing to pay the cost equal to our example?

Perhaps there is a more appropriate question. Have we counted the cost of leadership and set an example for others to follow?


What makes up our identity?

A name badge? Social Security Number? Job description?

Maybe size? Gender? Color of skin? Nationality?

Perhaps an educational degree? Athleticism? Social position?

Or, is our identity determined by our choices?

The uncertainty of our role in life or in understanding our true self is described as an identity crisis.

Could our leadership be characterized as an identity crisis?

Knowing our identity is vital to leadership.

How others identify us as leaders is a key element to successful leadership.

The choices we make define the identity of our leadership. From a spiritual perspective, the definition must be clear.

Spiritually, our leadership needs to be with certainty and understanding. Our direction must be focused and determined. Eternity demands clearly identified leadership.

Climbing Stairs…

Each morning I climb two flights of stairs. These stairs have come to represent something significant as I climb to the office where I work.

It takes desire to reach the top.

It takes energy to step up to the next level.

It takes focus to prevent falling.

It takes developing a certain level of habit, almost second nature.

These stairs could represent hundreds of ideas. However, it takes little effort to connect the dots in leadership. Read the list above again with a connection to leadership.

The list is not exhaustive, but successful leaders understand the “will to want to” when it comes to reaching the top. Successful leaders are willing to exert whatever energy it takes to accomplish the task. They do not allow distractions to cause them to lose focus. The habits developed daily as leaders not only become second nature, they are developed as first nature. The result produces success in leadership.