Monthly Archives: June 2013

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Live the way you would want others to live, but do not expect it of them.” Chase Turner

When leaders place expectations on others to measure up to the standard of behavior they have established for themselves, disappointment will result.

What this thought teaches us can be laid out quite simply.

First, we need to stop measuring others by our own behavior, even if that behavior is right. The problem is we become judges of the conduct and motives of others.

Second, we limit the potential of others if we are constantly frustrated when they fail to conduct themselves accordingly. We often limit our leadership when we are frustrated with others.

Third, everyone is at a different level of maturity. Not everyone has benefited from the same family background, education, life experience, or spiritual growth opportunities.

If we would learn to focus on developing our own standard of conduct, constantly measure ourselves by the example of Christ, and nurture our relationships with others to help them do the same, then we are developing true leadership.

God Is My Portion Forever…

As the psalmist identifies the source of his strength in God, he concludes by pointing out that God is also his portion forever.

The word translated “portion” is often translated “reward.”

The power behind this thought is key to spiritual leadership. Realizing that God is our strength gives us confidence, but knowing that He is our reward gives us hope.

Spiritual leaders must always portray confidence of God given strength. However, one of the most powerful components to great leadership is the ability to instill hope in others.

The world is filled with so many challenges, discouragements and disappointments. Among all the needs, or perceived needs, hope is one of the top.

When leadership provides others with hope; no matter how high the mountain, how low the valley, or the size of the obstacle, then we can endure and overcome.

With this in mind, let us lead with an understanding of what the future holds for those who are faithful followers.

Asking The Right Questions…

Leaders should constantly examine their leadership: abilities, style, resources, and growth.

One of the critical concerns for leadership development is learning to ask the right questions. Based on their book Primal Leadership, Learning To Lead With Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee examine five discoveries needed to make an emotionally intelligent leader.

These discoveries involve asking the right questions for leadership development.

Who do we want to be as a leader? Considering the answer to this question must go beyond surface or superficial answers.

Who are we now? Leaders must constantly examine both strengths and weaknesses to determine where we are in our leadership.

Do we work on developing who we want to be, or what someone else wants us to be? This can be one of the strongest challenges leaders face.

Are we willing to form new habits of practice? Developing a new mindset and implementing the necessary changes to grow in our leadership is key to reaching goals.

What emphasis are we placing upon developing relationships? The power of relationships help build confident leadership.

Consideration of these five areas will point us in the right direction for leadership development.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Risk

Risk involves the possibility of danger or harm, as well as, a person or thing regarded as likely to turn out well or badly within a particular context.

There can be no risk, low risk and high risk, but risk is going to be involved in leadership.

The key to understanding the role of this word in leadership is learning how not to fear risk, but manage it instead.

A number of websites provide powerful information about risk management, especially where it applies to areas of leadership.

However, two thoughts came to mind in application of the risks involved for spiritual leaders:

1) What are the risk factors involved if we decide not to lead others to Christ?

2) What are the risks of waiting, or procrastinating, to lead them?

When we honestly look at how the risks weigh out in the direction of our leadership, from a spiritual perspective, we will find the possibility of danger or harm involved is found when we are unwilling to take the risk.

The Greatest Opportunity…

Opportunities are circumstances providing possibility, either to be gained or lost.

It’s a matter of faith. If we cannot see the possibilities, we will never take advantage of the opportunities.

We must not fall into the trap of thinking we can sit back and wait for opportunities. If we do, chances are we will accomplish little, if anything.

Leaders have the greatest opportunity to influence the lives of others by example and instructional guidance when leading them to heaven. This is obviously a twofold application, as it includes leading the lost to Jesus and helping grow the faith of those who belong to Him.

How will this opportunity be fulfilled to its greatest potential?

1) We must open our eyes to the needs, physical and spiritual, of all people. This specifically involves those who are not like us.

2) We must be ready to get involved; meaning there is a need to get the hands dirty.

3) We must also rely completely on the power of God to open the doors and use us to His glory.

Seize the opportunities by seeing the incredible God given possibilities God.