Tag Archives: Kingdom

Happy New Year

We pray that 2021 will be the best year for you, your family,
and your work in the Lord’s kingdom.

Qualified Leaders…

When someone is qualified, they are recognized as someone trained to perform a specific job or task. A level of competency is associated with this recognition.

The Bible speaks about qualities all Christians should strive to achieve. We may not achieve all of them, but we can still lead others.

Leadership is about influence. We strive to influence others for the cause of Christ. As a Christian, our qualification to lead others is built on the blood of Jesus.

The stronger our faith becomes, the more our confidence grows, and the greater our influence. This type of leadership is needed in the kingdom.

Passionate Leaders…

What are we passionate about? Do we find ourselves involved in activities for hours without any thought to the time? What drives our lives?

Howard Thurman said, “Don’t worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Spiritual matters must breathe passion into our lives. When seeking God’s kingdom is a priority, when reaching others with Jesus is the purpose of each breath, when worshiping God is at the heart of our activity, and when a love for truth drives us deeper into His word, we have the building blocks for passionate leadership.

Five Leadership Components…

Organization, arrangement, design, forethought, and groundwork are key components in our leadership.

Organization: Organizational success is determined by the strength of its leadership.

Arrangement: The arrangement of each component is critical for development.

Design: The design stage in planning is where dreams unfold into direction.

Forethought: When planning, forethought includes vision, goals, mission, core values, people, and obstacles.

Groundwork: The groundwork is based on the forethought given to the specific nature of planning.

When leaders in the Lord’s kingdom give thought to planning based on these five components, the reality of success occurs at the right time and the right place.

Yesterday and Today…

Between yesterday and today, leaders dream about the future, envision possibilities, and plan ways to achieve greatness in the Lord’s kingdom.

We cannot change the past. We can only learn from it, look ahead, and make the right changes.

Remember three simple principles.

1) No matter where the road leads, God is with us and for us.
2) It is worth whatever the price to leave an example worth emulating.
3) The strength to achieve any task is measured by the desire to succeed.

The moment between yesterday and today is an opportunity to make a difference for tomorrow.