Monthly Archives: December 2016

Planning Ahead…

While millions of people will make New Year’s Resolutions tomorrow night, the best part of a new year is the opportunity to fulfill our plans.

Yesterday we considered several questions that provide a foundation for the plans we intend to accomplish in 2017.

Once we recognize both the high and low points of leadership development from 2016, we can strategically plan to build on that foundation and improve our leadership in the new year.

Once we acknowledge the area we would change if we could start the year over, we can now plan to make that change as we move into the year, almost as if we reset the clock.

Once we consider the individual(s) in whom we could invest our time this coming year, we can develop a mentoring plan that allows us to give the most valuable gift, ourselves.

Once we know where we were, where we are, and where we want to be, everything we plan involves the changes necessary to achieve our goals.

Instead of “resolutions” for the new year, why not set goals and make plans to achieve them. The difference is incredible.

Count Down…

As we count down the last few days of 2016 we begin preparations for the start of a new year. Before we specifically plan for 2017 we need to ask a few questions.

What was the high point of our leadership development in 2016?

What was the low point of our leadership development in 2016?

If we could go back and start the clock over in 2016, what one area would we change?

How have we prepared for the beginning of 2017?

Who are the individuals that impacted our life the most in 2016?

When we consider our sphere of influence, is there an individual with whom we could invest our time?

Have we considered where we were at the beginning of 2016, where we are now at the end, and where we want to be this same time next year?

Plans for the new year are the focus of tomorrow’s post, but before we consider any plan for the new year, we need to evaluate our answers to these questions. They will make a difference in how we plan tomorrow.

Building on the Past…

Numerous challenges exist when we consider the past. We cannot change the past, and we cannot go back and relive it, so why dwell on the events of it?

We have heard the thought expressed, “if we do not learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat it.” Several versions of similar wording exist, but the thought is the same. We must allow the past to provide us with a tool by which we learn. The beauty of the past is represented when we learn from it and implement ways to prevent repeating failures and build on the success experienced.

As we approach the end of another year, leaders at every level should closely examine the past year and evaluate what can be learned from both the good and bad, successes and failures. Ultimately, the result produces a plan for the year ahead that ensures greater achievement and spiritual growth for each person connected.

A few remaining days in 2016 afford us an opportunity to bring in the new year with a renewed sense of purpose for the year ahead.

Our Center…

What is our center? A few years ago, a Christmas movie presented this question. Finding our center is about discovering who we are at the core of our life.

When our center as a leader is spiritually motivated, life becomes about demonstrating toward others the qualities of godliness, rather than simply developing ourselves.

However, determining our center is not as easy as it may sound. Such an undertaking may involve years of searching. Learning to be honest about what we seek in life will help us on this journey. Here are a few questions to consider.

1) Do we feel inconvenienced by others?

2) Are we motivated by self preservation more than an eternal destination?

3) Are times in prayer, study, and worship more difficult to work into our schedule? Do we see them as having little or no benefit?

4) Where do we find the most pleasure?

5) Are our words and actions driven by a core that is self-centered or others-directed?

Answering a few questions provides us with a genuine understanding that will help us find our center.

The Day After…

After the build up and intensity of a major holiday like Christmas, the day after can be a bit of a let down. The anticipation and excitement of the time together ends and we move back into our routine(s).

While some are thankful the “hubbub” is over and we can all get back to “normal,” others are sad to see the time spent with family and friends come to an end.

When we approach various areas of leadership, the same effects often occur once the goal is achieved. As leaders cast a vision for the future, goals and plans are established. Morale reaches a pinnacle and we enjoy the anticipation and excitement that builds as we push into the depths of the work and keep our focus on the end.

What we do the day after makes the greatest impact on future success.

Never forget to celebrate achievement when goals are completed. Celebrate all who contributed to the success.

Always remember the vision. In recent leadership interviews, one individual identified the need for leaders who “bleed the vision.”

The vision extends beyond the goal and keeps everyone focused on the “why” of our existence.