Monthly Archives: December 2015

Reflecting On The Past…

Everyone knows the value of good planning. Leaders especially appreciate the need to make the proper plans to reach established goals.

Tonight we say goodbye to a year through which we will never walk again. We cannot relive it. We cannot change it. All we can do is examine it and make plans to create a difference for the future.

Plans are not New Year’s resolutions.

Plans are not goals.

Plans involve the activities necessary to keep our resolutions and reach our goals.

How vital is it we have plans? There is an old adage used by several that says, “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.”

We all need personal short and long-term goals. The same is true at every corporate level. How we plan to reach our goals makes a difference.

Before we commit to our New Year’s resolutions; before we set up goals for the year ahead; let us sit down and establish the details of a proper plan to ensure success for 2016.

Principles Of Leadership…Part 8

Train as a team!

Understanding teamwork and training as a team is obviously significant to the overall success of the group. However, there are some “do’s and don’ts” to fully comprehend training as a team.

Training and working as a team does not place everyone in an equal position. There are specific roles each member must fulfill in order for the unit to function properly. Problems will arise when anyone in a leadership position begins to navigate on their own and no longer follows the proper organizational flow of communication and authority.

Training and working as a team does place everyone on the same page. When a unit works as a team the goals are communicated and understood. Every individual understands their specific tasks to reach the goals. Also, each person is diligent to fulfill their responsibilities without casting blame on someone else for not carrying their weight.

Training as a team has great advantages for the development of any organization. This is especially true within the area of spiritual leadership. When we work together, each fulfilling our necessary roles, the group wins.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Beginning

The beginning of a new year is only a few days away, and a new year brings opportunity for new beginnings.

Many people need a day like the first day of a new year to work on changes in their life. Some start working on new and better habits in life and others find ways to stop bad ones.

Regardless of the need for a first day of a new year, week, day, or moment, recognizing the need to improve our lives is a positive step in the right direction.

Leaders should always think about how we can use these opportunities to lead in the cause of Christ. Is today a new beginning to lead…

A soul to the light of our Savior?
A straying brother or sister to the family of God?
A deeper study into the truths of God’s word?
A more passionate approach to speak with God in prayer?

Whatever the need may be for each of us, every day is a new beginning. Let us reach forward to achieve spiritual leadership for our Lord in this day and throughout new year.

An Approach To The Last Week Of The Year…

The last few days of the year bring a focus on renewal. Considering the idea of resolutions for 2016, a couple of thoughts come to mind.

Resolve to improve physical health. We know we need to take care of our physical health. Instead of a new diet, resolve to be moderate. Learn to not eat beyond comfort. Also, add exercise. This is not a push to be in the gym five times a week, but taking small steps to do more. Why not park further away from the store and walk? A brisk walk of twenty to thirty minutes a day will bring surprising results.

Resolve to improve spiritual health. Nothing takes more precedence. This is not about reading and praying more. Obviously, we all need more time reading the Bible and praying more. However, spiritual health involves application of what is written. Instead of speaking in anger, think of the song “Angry Words.” Perhaps the new year will bring a few posts on other practical suggestions for an application of spiritual health.

May this last week help each of us with a new approach.

Merry Christmas…

Thoughts to share this time of year are abundant, but Sheryl and I want each of you to know the blessing you are in our lives. We pray that God fills your life with blessings of family, friends, and fun during this holiday season. We love you all and wish you a Merry Christmas.