Tag Archives: Biblical

Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders…

What are we doing about the present condition of leadership? What are we doing about the future of leadership? What are we doing to develop biblical leaders?

Challenges exist in every effort to improve the situation. These attempts are often viewed with skepticism.

Enthusiasm to learn and implement something new or different is dismissed as youthful, but lacking long-term substance.

What are we doing to change eternity if the only thing we are doing is exactly what we have done for the past 50 years? The results speak for themselves.

We need to recognize where we are, where we are going, and what we must do to get there.

Leadership Begins In The Home…

Perhaps you’ve heard it said, “What parents excuse in moderation, children will abuse in excess.”

The hearts and minds of children are sculpted from a young age. Our influence is greater than we can imagine.

Parents need to give serious consideration to the words and activities expressed in their lives.

They must live a standard in the home they are comfortable with seeing their children live out in excess. Parents face enough challenges battling worldly influences. Why take chances on living an example that questions the biblical precedence of godliness?

Use the home as a refuge sanctified by the teachings of God’s word.

Optimistic Leadership…

Nelson Mandela said, “I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.”

We are challenged to remain positive and optimistic in a world filled with the kind of hatred that fosters negativity and pessimism.

Dark moments will come, but biblical leaders understand the hope in Christ that endures despair.

The victory Jesus achieved must keep us focused and moving forward.

Producing Leaders…

A producer is a person that makes, grows, or supplies goods or commodities for sale. They are builders, constructors, farmers, managers, administrators, promoters, etc. To sum it up in one thought, they “gets things done.”

When considering the nature of leadership, are we producing?

If we are not involved in getting things done, then how can we become the leader God wants?

Biblical leadership is about cultivating the soil, planting, and watering the seed that allows God to give the increase, thus bearing fruit.

We must focus on our God given task. Then, step back and watch the power of God!

Knowing God…

Biblical leadership involves qualities, traits, virtues, and principles that guide character formation. As such, a biblical leader is one who desires to know God.

Scripture is filled with passages that emphasize the need to know God. Jesus said eternal life is aligned with knowing God and the One who was sent by Him.

Paul counted everything as loss for the “surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:8). His heritage, material possessions, academic achievement, and religious position were worthless when laid alongside this knowledge.

Biblical leaders are driven by a passion to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord.