Tag Archives: God

Multicultural Leaders…

Denying that we live in a multicultural society does a great disservice to our leadership. It is not about when it happens, it already has.

If we are not knowledgeable about and preparing more fervently to address it, we are way behind.

How should we lead in a multicultural context?

1) Stop procrastinating and gain a better understanding of multiculturalism.
2) Get immersed in developing relationships across those cultural boundaries.
3) Remember, we get to participate in what God continues to do in our world.

The future of our leadership depends on what we do now.

Compassionate Leaders…

One of the qualities Jesus demonstrated, instrumental in drawing others to Him, was compassion.

Mentioned several times, Jesus was compassionate to both those physically and spiritually in need.

His compassion was more than sympathy about someone else’s distress, it moved Him to act in ways that met the need.

An awareness of pressing needs is an important component, but compassionate leaders seek ways to get involved to help meet those needs.

I pray God will give us all the compassion to be aware of our environment and help meet the needs.

The Right Leader…

Solomon was certainly right when he said, “The writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the body” (Ec. 12:12).

God’s word reveals information sufficient for what is right and the right leader to follow.

No greater leadership qualities are identified than those in God’s word.

No greater example can be found than the example left by Jesus.

The best way to honor and glorify God is by leading with our eyes focused on Jesus and our hearts devoted to following His word.

When followers have this example in spiritual leaders, they will follow the right leader.

Walking Away…

Robert Tew wrote, “Sometimes walking away has nothing do with weakness, and everything to do with strength. We walk away not because we want others to realize our worth and value, but because we finally realize our own.”

Satan wants us to believe our worth is summed up in achieved success, what others say about us, and what we have materially. No greater lie exists.

When we understand we are God’s children, made in His image, our worth changes incredibly.

Resist the temptation to find worth in the temporal things of this life and realize the greatness of God. Walking away from sin is eternally worth it all.

Modeling Leadership…

Few words are more familiar than Ruth’s expression of faithfulness to her mother-in-law, Naomi, “Where you go, I will go. Your people will be my people, and your God, my God.”

The spiritual influence developed within the home is powerful. Sadly, many homes have forsaken the opportunity to influence their children with a godly foundation.

Home is where parents have an opportunity to provide refuge and focus on the presence of God, where they model the example of Christ, and where children learn the meaning of submission.

Where we go, our children will go. Children should be led to conclude, “…and your God, my God.”