Monthly Archives: April 2011

Leadership Thought For The Day…

“It’s wonderful when the people believe in their leader… but it’s even more wonderful when the leader believes in the people.” – unknown

Consider what could be accomplished with a group of people following this kind of leadership.

When leaders think and speak more in terms of “I” or “me” the results are destructive. In the end, people will not follow because there are questions of the leadership having a genuine concern for the best interest of the people.

Leaders must believe in people and invest in people. No one individual or group of individuals will be greater than the work of our Lord. One of the most powerful lessons we learn from all of scripture is “we can’t make it on our own.”

We need each other and we need our God. We need to believe in each other. Nothing could be more true for spiritual leaders.


An echo is the sound reflected back from the surface of another object based on the right conditions. Its what you get back.

What is being reflected back in our leadership?
Are we listening to those entrusted to our leadership?
Do we know, understand, and meet the needs of the group?
Is there a spiritual focus or material emphasis to our purpose?
Look at the results of working the plan to reach our goals. What are we getting back?

What we get back will directly reflect what we are investing through our leadership. The very purpose of investing in our leadership is because of this echo.

The greater the investment, the greater the return. The joy of leadership is found in seeing the investment grow to greater dividends, knowing what we get back multiplies.

It is the law of harvest. The Bible speaks of reaping what we sow, if to the flesh, we reap corruption, but if to the spirit, then we reap eternal life. Now this is an echo worth the investment.

What Would You Say?

Well, what would you say? We have all been asked questions challenging the core of our Christianity and our spiritual leadership.

Do you believe you are the only ones going to heaven?
Why don’t you have a piano?
Why do I have to be immersed in water to be saved?
My grandmother was one of the best people I have ever known. Do you think she went to heaven?

Obviously, these are only a few of the questions people have and continue to ask. Not to complicate the list, but what would you say?

We can easily find ourselves seeking a way to avoid answering directly. We become ambiguous or elusive in our answers.

Leaders will face times when they must answer tough questions. What we often fail to remember is  the importance of not only what we say, but how we say it.

Based on my limited experience, it is one thing to watch others face challenges and give advice. However, it is another to face those same challenges, personally.

Opinions are plentiful and quite common. Truth and the manner in which truth is spoken is needed. What would you say?


Discipline is an often misunderstood subject. Generally, we think of punishment. However, discipline goes deeper and involves much more. Discipline is found in several areas throughout scripture.

Fathers are to train up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
God disciplines those whom He loves.
The church is to exercise discipline to keep the church pure.
Just as important is the need for us to develop self-discipline / control.

Spiritual leaders must exercise this type of godly discipline.

Notice how godly discipline is built on the instruction of our God who loves us. This discipline keeps us pure. Developing discipline / self-control will allow leaders to demonstrate the kind of character to lead others to our God.
Isn’t leading someone to Christ worth developing godly discipline?

The Great Divide…

…a location, the theme of numerous songs, the title of several movies, the focus of several books and even a flavor of ice cream.

The idea behind the Great Divide involves a span of distance physically, figuratively, and spiritually.

Abraham spoke of a great gulf separating the rich man and Lazarus, so no one could cross over from one side to the other.

Several areas arise to explain how a great divide is born and developed regarding spiritual leadership.

1) Pride: Nothing creates a greater division than pride. When people perceive a leader as proud or haughty, the message and leadership are no longer effective.
2) Selfishness: A focus on self develops nearsightedness. A self-centered spirit prevents a leader from seeing the possibilities in others and hinders growth.
3) Prejudice: Nations, families, and churches experience division over prejudice. To prejudge someone or a situation without proper information leaves a leader without good judgment.

The Great Divide can be an insurmountable barrier and destructive to our leadership. We must guard our words and actions to prevent the Great Divide