Monthly Archives: January 2017


Are we committed? Several definitions of commitment exist, but consider David McNally’s thought. “Commitment is the enemy of resistance, for it is the serious promise to press on, to get up, no matter how many times you are knocked down.” David McNally

Occasionally, life is going to knock us down. We may get knocked down a few more times than we think is our share.

However, are we committed enough to keep getting up no matter how many times we get knocked down?

It is also powerful to think that commitment is the enemy of resistance. When we are committed to the cause, we will oppose resistance.

When we are committed we are motivated.
When we are committed we have dedication.
When we are committed we keep our focus.
When we are committed we will stop at nothing.

Nothing is more deserving of our commitment than the cause of Jesus. His life, as an example, His death, as a sacrifice for sin, is worthy of our motivation, dedication, focus and determination to press on, whatever it takes.

Until Death…

These two words are connected to several thoughts. In a wedding ceremony they become part of the vows exchanged. We conclude with, “until death do you part.”

We also find these words used of Jesus in speaking to the church at Smyrna, as He concluded “…be faithful until death and I will give you the crown of life.”

The idea of behind the usage of these words indicates a level of dedication. There is an understanding of commitment deeply tied to the use of this phrase.

It also significant to notice the reward stated by Jesus is only given to those who hold true to their dedication and commitment.

In several areas of life, even leadership, when difficulties arise, change, distractions, interruptions, or a failure to measure up to our expectations, our culture looks for the bail out.

Consider the difference that could be made if we all honored our commitments.

Can we imagine the lives we could change by having hearts with such dedication?

There is much to be said for men and women who build on a foundation defined by these two words…until death!

Keep Others Informed…

Three simple words, yet here is a principle that challenges our leadership. The challenge to our leadership exists because the idea behind this principle involves communication.

When leaders do not keep others informed, the following happens:

People grow suspicious.
Distrust blossoms in their minds.
An element of doubt develops in leadership ability.
Anxiety begins to characterize feelings.

The lack of communication is not always intentional. Sometimes, our life becomes structured. We develop a routine and life becomes monotonous. In the end, our communication often suffers.

Is it possible to prevent these concerns from developing and growing? Yes!

Following these three simple words…Keep others informed.

Within the church, there is a great need for leaders to keep the brethren informed.

What kind of information needs to be provided?

Inform others of the plans for the future.
Inform others of any changes that need to be made.
Inform others of challenges / or hindrances facing the plans.
Inform others of the needs.

When leaders communicate / inform others, trustworthy and loyal relationships develop. It is time for God’s leaders to lead.

Remembering Our Leadership…

Harry Truman once said, ”Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.”

Several thoughts could be noted here and rightfully so. The last line of this quote, however, deserves our attention.

Leaders have come and gone. We could all list leaders who are remembered for the negative and destructive nature of their leadership. We could also list others who are remembered for the good and lasting nature.

Think of a more current and practical approach to leaders and ask, “What about you and me?”

How will our leadership influence be remembered in the church and community where we live and serve?

Will we be remembered because of the change we made for the better?

Will our leadership have an impact for the eternal good of others?

If it seems as though the world stands still around us, then maybe it is time we stood up to lead. Seize the opportunity to change things for the better. Lead as God would have us to do!

Establish a Sense of Urgency…

John Kotter’s book, Leading Change, describes eight steps to ultimately anchor change within an organizational culture.

The first step has universal application: “establish a sense of urgency.” Without a sense of urgency, the possibility of change diminishes.

Often times, awareness of the problem or crises does not go unnoticed, but an overwhelming problem of complacency prevents the type of action that produces correction.

The church faces a leadership crisis. Too many congregations function with weak leadership, and even more function with little or no leadership. We find that some deny the reality of the situation, while others tend to ignore it altogether. This does not mean “every” congregation suffers from this problem, but the truth remains for a greater majority.

Consider this truism: “there is no success without a successor.” Who will become the elders, deacons, preachers, teachers, etc. for the next generation? What plans are in place to train future leaders within the church?

This post is not intended to paint a bleak picture, but unless we realize the urgency of the situation, nothing changes and the result will leave the church without leaders.