Tag Archives: Next Generation

Leaders Develop Leaders…

Mac Lake’s book, The Multiplication Effect, has great material related to leadership. Over the next few days, we will consider a few thoughts from the book to encourage us in this needed role.

“Programs don’t develop leaders. Leaders develop leaders.” We tend to think the latest and greatest program on leadership will provide exactly what is needed to develop the next generation of leaders.

However, looking more deeply, we discover it begins with leaders investing time into the lives of others. The heart of leadership development involves this investment. If we make the commitment today, leaders will be the outcome tomorrow.

Leadership, The Next Generation…

In construction, workers tend to give little thought to the person who comes next on the job. Most try to get the work done quickly, save as much money as possible, and let whoever comes next worry about it.

We must guard against such attitudes.

If we do not consider what and who comes next the structure will not last.

What shape will the leadership of the church be in when the current eldership is gone?

We need to think about who follows and work to resolve necessary issues, so that those who come next will enjoy something better.