Tag Archives: Decisive

Decision Makers…

Leaders must be decisive. When they are indecisive, their leadership is called into question.

What causes indecisiveness? Here are three possibilities.

Fear: fear of making the wrong decision, the unknown, and fear of failure are leading causes.

Trust: leaders who lack trust in their own abilities and the abilities of others are often indecisive.

this mindset leads to indecision because there is a lack of urgency.

What can be done to help leaders overcome this indecisive tendency?

Gather ALL the facts.
List out the pros and cons.
Pray about it.
Trust your instincts.
Establish a precautionary backup plan.
Then, make the decision.

Pleasing Everyone…

An effort to please everyone is doomed to fail. Marco Rubio said, “We live in a society obsessed with public opinion. But leadership has never been about popularity.”

Sadly, the adage about the “squeaky wheel” is true. Those who complain the most and loudest tend to get action.

The church needs leaders who… 1) examine scripture to ensure decisions are biblical, 2) do not follow the flow of modern popularity, 3) never rush a decision, but do not hesitate between two opinions either, 4) make the decision, 5) remember, not every decision will please everyone.

The responsibility of decisive leadership is crucial to the future.

Decisive Leaders…

Life is filled with making decisions. The multiplicity of options makes the process challenging.

Leaders know that decisions change the course of their own lives, but also the lives of those who follow.

Here are a few ideas to help.

Pray for help, strength, and guidance in this decision.
Remember, indecision is a decision.
Investigate all possible consequences to the decision.
Do not always take the “easiest” course of action.
Give complete dedication to the decision.
Always think about the motive behind the decision.

A few steps can provide greater confidence in our decisions.

Decisive Leaders…

One of the qualities of good leaders is decisiveness. Think about the doctors and nurses that work in Critical Care Units. Beyond their educational expertise, they must be decisive, especially in emergency situations.

Obviously, not every situation is an emergency for leaders. However, to hesitate can cost leadership severely.

While there are thousands of decisions with little or no consequential value, some decisions have eternal consequences.

Therefore, the decisiveness of spiritual leaders can change the eternal destination of others who follow.

Be decisive and lead with eternity in view.