Monthly Archives: December 2015

Acting Or Reacting…

Several variations of the “Golden Rule” are commonly spoken today. For some, it is “do unto others as they have done unto you.” For others, it is “do unto others before they do unto you.”

However, Jesus was clear when He expressed the need to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The implication of Jesus is to do unto others first.

Leadership always brings several interesting twists in the development of leaders and followers. This is especially true within the church.

How do we want others to treat us? Do we want to be treated with respect, integrity, love, appreciation, patience, etc.? If this is how we want to be treated, then Jesus would teach us to treat others this way first!

We must be careful not to allow the practice of culture or society to influence and direct our approach to relationships.

If we are not careful, it is easy to react, instead of acting as we should. Sadly, we must be careful to guard against overreacting.

Leaders must learn to act in keeping with the way we want others to act.

Principles Of Leadership…Part 7

Keep others informed.

Three simple words, yet this principle challenges our leadership. The challenge to our leadership exists because the idea behind this principle involves communication.

When leaders do not keep others informed, the following happens:

People begin to grow suspicious.
Distrust blossoms in their minds.
An element of doubt in leadership ability develops.
Anxiety begins to characterize feelings.

The lack of communication is not always intentional. Sometimes, we grow a very structured life. We develop a routine and life becomes monotonous. In the end, our communication is affected.

Is it possible to prevent these concerns from developing and growing? Yes!

Follow these three simple words…Keep others informed.

Within the church, there is a great need for Christians to be informed by leadership.

What kind of information needs to be provided?

Inform others of the plans for the future.
Inform others of any changes that need to be made.
Inform others of challenges / or hindrances facing the plans.
Inform others of the needs.

When leaders communicate / inform others, trustworthy and loyal relationships develop. It is time for God’s leaders to lead.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Global

A question came to mind when thinking of this word; why and how does global have a place in leadership?

A question of this nature has numerous answers to be considered. The answer that first came to mind connected directly to the span of leadership influence.

Do we really consider the far reaching nature of our influence as leaders from a global perspective?

The influence of one person can move a nation, lead an army, direct a revolution, carve out a place in history, or change the life of one person who will.

We too often underestimate what can be done with the influence we have on the circle of people we meet on a daily basis.

Instead of thinking how we can do something revolutionary for the world, why not think of changing the life of one person. Who knows how God may be working through the person we influence to make a global difference.

Let us commit ourselves to changing the life of one person. Open the door of opportunity for one person. It will make a difference…globally.

The Prayer Of A Leader…Part 5

Of all the prayers expressed throughout scripture, the prayer of Jesus stands at the pinnacle of what leaders need to emulate. As Jesus faced false accusations, a mock trial, the most brutal of torture, and death on the cross, He goes to the Father in prayer. Notice what is identified in John 17.

He anticipated returning to the Father after completing the task He was sent to earth to accomplish, glorifying the One who sent Him.

He asked for protection for those given to Him, entrusted with the task of continuing the work of sharing the word given to them.

He added a request for unity among all who would believe in Him through the word spoken by these men that they might be perfected.

He addressed the problem of the world’s lack of knowing the Creator and the One sent by Him while expressing their only hope.

Imagine the difference leaders could make in the world today if they spent time focused on praying for these four areas.

As we conclude this series, may all of us focus on praying as a leader.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Life is all about the little decisions you make everyday. You can’t change the decisions of the past, but every new day is another opportunity to make the right ones.” Author Unknown

In our lifetime we will make millions of decisions. Most of these decisions come with little or no consequence. Obviously, we know some decisions carry major consequences: who one marries, where they live, having children, and a career, only to name a few.

The significance of today’s thought is seen in the fact that the little decisions made each day add up quickly. Considering the truth behind this thought, our lives are filled with both right and wrong decisions. How powerful is it to realize each day provides an opportunity to make the right decisions?

No leader is exempt from making wrong decisions. The key is how we handle ourselves when the wrong decisions are made and how we approach making the right ones in the future.

With the influence our decisions have on others, it is worth the time we take to focus on filling our life with the decisions that make for a full life.