Leadership Word Of The Week…Apply

If there was ever a word more needed than this week’s word, it would be interesting to know what that word might be.

Certainly, there are many words that are needed by all of us when it comes to leadership and building relationships.

We need to consider, however, the significance of this word – apply. 

From a biblical perspective we are talking about acting, doing, or making something happen with the information we learn. Jesus claimed that wisdom is based on hearing His words and acting upon them (Mt. 7:24-27). James warns of the self-deluding mindset that exists when we do not prove ourselves doers of the word (Jas. 1:21).

The list goes on, but the idea is the same. What good does it really do us to hear something that will improve our walk with God, help us mature in the faith, or strengthen our relationships with others and then do nothing? The answer lies in the two passages above.

Leadership requires us to provide an example of application if we ever hope to lead others in doing the same.

One response to “Leadership Word Of The Week…Apply

  1. Sis Kelechi Young

    You are %100 right.It’s only what you have you can give others.Hence,the need to practice what you preach.Thanks very much for this reminder.

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