Oh To Be Like Thee… Part 2

As we discussed, we sing the song but often fail to recognize the implications of the message we sing.

Examining the life of Jesus and the necessity of following His example, how shall we walk in His steps?

Our first consideration is the nature of people with whom Jesus spent His time. Jesus was not one to focus on reaching out to or spending time with the rich, popular, political or religious leaders of the day.

Jesus claimed that He came to “seek and save the lost.” He came for the “sick.” Jesus spent time with the outcast, unwanted, and unlikely to succeed of society.

He did not participate in or condone the activities of sin. He worked to influence and show a better way. He gave people hope.

If we seek to be like Him, we must consider those we are striving to reach. This does not mean we shun or avoid the wealthy. All have sinned.

History and experience clearly indicate, however, the challenges of reaching the affluent. Such a walk will not be comfortable, but who are we really trying to be like?

One response to “Oh To Be Like Thee… Part 2

  1. It would be nice if the name of the person who prepared the blog were listed.

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