Are You Feeling Stressed?

A recent USA Today article claims between 1983 and 2009 stress in women has risen by 18% and 24% in men.

What creates such stress in our lives and why is it increasing? The article connected stress to three major factors: age, education and finances.

It is amazing how much our lives are connected to the perception of who we are and who we are is directly related to what we do, what others say about us, and what we have.

Study the temptations of Jesus and notice how Satan’s attack was connected to these three areas. However, Jesus knew who He was (God’s beloved Son, cf. Mt. 3:17) and no matter what happened in His life, He held on to this truth.

Only when we recognize we are the beloved children of God can we overcome this misconception. Leadership must help remove stress in this struggle of life.

We all face success and failure. Others will speak well of us and against us. We will also deal with times when we have and do not have things. Whatever happens, we must remember who we are!

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