The Cost…

In the experiences of an unpredictable economy, concerns arise surrounding the cost of consumer products. We want to know if we can afford what it will cost.

At times the cost might be incidental, or it may be intentional.

Spiritually, Jesus taught of the need to count the cost prior to becoming His disciple.

Following Christ demands a level of total commitment. Jesus counted the cost of our salvation and paid for it with His life. What a tremendous example of leadership. Following Him could require nothing less than the same.

What about those who are following our leadership? Are they willing to pay the cost equal to our example?

Perhaps there is a more appropriate question. Have we counted the cost of leadership and set an example for others to follow?

One response to “The Cost…

  1. Elangwe Esowe Greg

    Oh dearest brother Bob , indeed you make my day when ever i open my email more hopeful, I see some amount of intelligence in you , God has done great things to you , and that is why we shall continue to benefit from you.On the 16 of oct i will be the one to teach the student of BMC in buae , the college we visited during your visit , and i am assigned to talk on leadership.
    What i know is that ever day we try to show examples for those who are with us to follow ,Jesus is our model in this topic as you said .Stay bless .also make a great day.Elangwe

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