Monthly Archives: February 2019

A God Thing…

It’s just a God thing. Think about the power behind this thought.

We face challenges in life. Difficulties often hit when we least expect them. Through the providential working of God, we may not see how we avoided a catastrophic event until we get past our frustration and look back.

We may not understand it at first, but maybe it’s a God thing.

How about our leadership? Is God doing His thing? Are we frustrated with the challenges or difficulties we encounter in leading others?

Sometimes we need to trust it may just be a God thing.

Rut and the Grave…

Change challenges us to our core, regardless of age. Anytime we encounter something different it makes us uncomfortable.

Bill Thrall made this amazing statement, “The only difference between a rut and a grave is the length.”

The quote should move us to realize we need to constantly learn, grow, and make the kind of changes to improve.

We must avoid our ruts, doing the same thing in the same way at the same time simply because we do not like change.

We need to rethink. If we stop growing and learning, what is the difference between the rut and the grave?

Leading with AARP…

If we are old enough, we probably remember receiving our first AARP application.

Perhaps we threw it away, denying the reality of aging. Maybe we were excited to receive the benefits associated with an older lifestyle.

While AARP stands for American Association of Retired Persons, we may not feel quite there, at any age. Consider a leadership angle.

Accomplish: Leaders make things happen.
Attitude: Leaders set the tone for everyone. Invest in the right attitude.
Respect: Respect is earned and given. In order to receive it, we must be willing to give it.
Presence: Show up! Our presence provides security and direction for others.

Growing in leadership doesn’t always come with age, but we can work to put all the components in the right place.

A Leader’s Perspective…

Apart from academic definitions, perspective brings several thoughts to mind when viewed by two different parties.

A Christian perspective views life from a biblical foundation. What God says and the contrast of physical versus spiritual concerns provides hope in an eternal promise.

However, a worldly perspective tends to view life with uncertainty, fear, and doubt. The world’s philosophy can only paint a picture that is temporal and hopeless.

This is why spiritual leadership is so important.

Regardless of the pleasant or unpleasant possibilities in life, a Christian perspective always leaves us with the courage to face uncertainty with hope!

Dealing a Little Hope…

Have we seen the news lately? Is morality as bad as it seems? Can the economy be as poor as we are told?

With increasing negativity, we tend to fear the present and future. Combined with an awareness of disease, death, war, natural disasters, and more, we question Why? or What should we do?

Napoleon said, “Leaders are dealers in hope.”

Our work as leaders is to provide hope that no matter what happens now or 20 years from now, there is reason to rejoice.

We rejoice in the Lord. We rejoice in His promises. The world needs something more and we have what is needed. Deal out hope!