Monthly Archives: July 2013

Leadership Word Of The Week…Substance

Substance is a particular kind of matter with uniform properties. However, having a technical definition does not adequately describe the definition and application of this word in leadership.

Substance also involves a quality of being important, valid, or significant. Simply stated, substance is the stuff that makes up leadership.

What is the substance that makes up the character of our leadership? Integrity? Work ethic? Core values?

Is there something significant that stands out giving credibility to leadership substance?

Can others see the substance of our leadership?

Only you and I can answer these questions for ourselves. The substance of spiritual leadership must not be self-centered, but others-centered. The quality that validates the importance of leadership is not built upon “I,” but “you.” The substance of good leadership is about “we.”

When our leadership is evaluated, we need to take advantage of the opportunity to ask ourselves hard questions to determine the substance of our leadership. This is where the true character of leadership is found.

As important and needed as leadership is today, it is worth our time to focus on the substance.

Technologically Charged Leadership…

Advances in technology have just about changed every area of life; and it has affected avenues of leadership.

Technology is not backing off in the direction of the future. The development of technology influences every individual.

Therefore, leaders need to learn how best to use technology to assist in their leadership.

First, do not deny, reject, or excuse the technology that exists. The use of technology is not going away, nor is it slowing down. Hoping it will go away is an exercise in futility.

Second, be open to and take time to learn. I am not referring to being an expert, but it would serve leaders well to learn how to use the basics. Seek help.

Third, use areas of technology where followers are engaged. If they are using Facebook, then get on Facebook. It is amazing what is learned through the status posted by followers.

Fourth, always approach and use technology as a tool for building up others.

These four suggestions are a starting point. If we will use technology appropriately, it can be a tool of great influence for the kingdom. Think Souls!

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say ‘I’. And that’s not because they have trained themselves not to say ‘I’. They don’t think ‘I’. They think ‘we’; they think ‘team’. They understand their job to be to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don’t sidestep it, but ‘we’ gets the credit…. This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done.” Peter F. Drucker

Peter Drucker’s thought challenges the core of leadership influence.

When a leader spends time talking about or writing about themselves, using ‘I’ in reference to their own abilities, achievements, or plans, influence is lost.

One of the most outstanding points of Drucker’s quote is thinking “we” and “team.”

The greatest thrill of leadership is recognizing what “we” are able to do, what “we” have achieved, and what “our” plans are for the future. Lao Tzu claims the aim of leadership is fulfilled when followers say, “We did it ourselves.”

Nothing could be more powerful for spiritual leaders than learning to live by the thought of the day.

Renew A Steadfast Spirit…

Various phrases within the Psalms provide depth in their meaning at different points in the life of leaders.

Knowing the background to these phrases also adds to the strength gained from the message contained within them.

As David seeks God’s forgiveness for his sin and transgression, he also pleads with God to create within him a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit.

Leaders meet with numerous challenges ranging from personal sin to the opposition of others. As well, there will be periods of isolation and transition where leaders begin questioning their leadership, even their ability to lead.

During these times, where and how do leaders receive this renewal?

1) Going to the source of renewal is a good place to start. Plead with God for a renewed spirit.

2) Spend time listening to what God says. The more time spent in God’s word the stronger the renewal.

3) Reflect on past leadership. Remember what has been done by God through our leadership.

4) Seek counsel with others who have experienced the same trials.

May God always be present to renew a steadfast spirit in the times when it is needed most.

Leadership Questions…

Voltaire is noted as having said, “Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.”

The Forbes website provides information about several areas concerning leadership.

An article in June focused on “Four Questions Great Leaders Ask,” beginning with the quote from Voltaire. Over the next few weeks we want to look at each of these questions and how they apply to spiritual leaders.

The first question: “Is this urgent or essential?”

Every leader wrestles with determining the difference between urgent and essential matters. Often times the urgent matters distract leaders from what is essential.

While leaders in every field deal with how to address the balance between these two areas, the stakes increase when considering spiritual / eternal matters.

Jesus was the Master in asking questions. One of the great studies of the Gospel accounts involves the questions asked by or of Jesus. A study of these questions demonstrates the powerful leadership of our Lord.

Spiritual leaders are needed who recognize what is essential and lead with an urgency to help others discover the way to what is essential for their lives.