Monthly Archives: June 2012

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“When you’re always trying to conform to the norm, you lose your uniqueness, which can be the foundation for your greatness.” Dale Archer

Leaders face many challenges. Perhaps one of the greatest challenges is learning that we are all leaders, so the question becomes how should we lead?

The very idea of spiritual leadership is unique in and of itself. If we are simply conforming to what the world sees as the norm as leaders, how powerful is it to consider we might be losing our foundation for greatness.

We lead because people need hope. We lead because salvation is at stake. We lead because God needs leaders. We lead because it makes a difference.

If this is true, then let us not conform to how the world sees leadership. Let us rise up and establish a foundation of greatness, leading as the servants God has called us to be in His kingdom.

Safety Cover…

I have a cover on my Bible to protect it. In case I drop it or need to lay it down where the sun might shine directly on it, I want to make sure I take good care of this gift.

I began thinking about the importance of providing leadership that ensures safety. How can we best provide this safety? Developing the 3 C’s is at least one approach.

Communication: One of the greatest challenges in the successful operation of any area of work is effective communication. Developing effective communication is a two way street involving skills that provide adequate information and being a good listener.

Consistency: We must guard against hypocrisy. Followers are not looking for perfection. However, they are looking for consistency. What we profess and how we live should match. Developing consistency is vital for safety.

Compassion: Do others know we care about them? Are we there when they have a physical, emotional, or spiritual need? The compassion we demonstrate can be one of the most important areas of safety.

Our efforts to help others feel safe ensures growth and development for the Lord’s kingdom.

Hang On Five More Minutes…

One of the things I despise the most is being on the phone and then put on hold. For some reason, like most of our culture, I do not like waiting.

If there is a set time for an appointment, I do not want to wait, nor do I want to keep someone waiting.

Perhaps it is due to my work background, culture, or something family related. Either way, the patience tends to wear thin quickly.

However, scripture teaches us to endure while we are waiting on the return of the Lord. He may delay in His coming and we must wait patiently with an eager anticipation.

When we face various trials we are to endure knowing the outcome of completeness.

We also learn that when we are suffering for doing what is right, we must endure it patiently. We do so knowing it finds favor with the Lord.

As spiritual leaders, our example of patient endurance, while waiting on the Lord, helps others recognize  how to live through the challenges of in their life. Sometimes, we just need to hang on five more minutes. Think Souls.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Gracious

Of all the ways to describe the word gracious; courteous, kind, pleasant, elegant, tasteful, my favorite is “showing divine grace.”

I have heard it said that justice is receiving what we deserve. Mercy is not receiving what we deserve, but grace is receiving what we do not deserve. Please read this again.

God has not given us what we deserve. Because of sin we deserve the consequence of death. His mercy does not pronounce upon us the condemnation we deserve. However, the magnitude of God’s grace, demonstrated by His love, gives us what we do not deserve, a gift. Jesus took upon Himself what we deserved, so that we might receive what we did not deserve. This is the gracious nature of our Father.

If being gracious is about showing divine grace, then our leadership needs to involve giving others what they do not deserve. This has incredible life changing ramifications for leaders.

While we should always be courteous, kind, pleasant, elegant and tasteful, our true and lasting legacy should be remembered as giving others what they do not deserve.

I’m Lovin’ It…

When was the last time we were so excited about something we could not sleep? Are we so passionate about it we are driven by it constantly?

While McDonalds has used the phrase “I’m lovin’ it” for some time now, I am amused every time I hear an attendant use very little enthusiasm expressing this phrase. Few seem to enjoy or even like their job, and I am sure adding this phrase does not help.

However, the idea behind it should be formidable for our leadership. We should have the type of joy, expressed by our enthusiasm, to demonstrate our love for God and in our leadership of others.

This does not mean we will always have good days. It does not mean our life will be filled with comfort and convenience. It certainly does not mean we will be free from tragedy, illness or difficulty.

What it means is our joy is found in knowing the challenges of life, whatever they may be, can be faced with confidence, knowing the outcome of completeness and a hope of an eternal dwelling far greater than anything this life offers. I’m lovin’ it.